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  • Produced quarterly internal newsletter for 200+ employees across multiple departments

  • Sent monthly e-newsletter to 33,000+ recipients through Constant Contact

  • Customized content delivery and tone for specific audiences; distilled complex subjects down to layman's terms; wrote with distinct voice/point of view; used narrative, conversational, persuasive and technical writing styles to elicit particular response; 









  • Chose objectivity/subjectivity based on copy placement

  • Worked tirelessly as 24/7 brand advocate

  • Applied constructive criticism to ensure continual growth

  • Composed ~200 stories, press releases, newsletters and posts to enhance identity awareness and promote positive consumer feedback

  • Developed plans and marketing materials, including crisis communications manuals and social media policies

  • Appeared in promotional videos and commercials; arranged ad to be shot on-site at office to showcase fellow employees

  • Fostered community involvement and strategic partnerships with businesses, chambers of commerce, media outlets, elected officials, public safety officers and schools

  • Drafted stories on deadline for ~12,000-circulation daily paper; interviewed/photographed/researched many topics to create government content, business briefs, crime reports, human interest pieces, public safety articles and more

  • Developed freelance magazine features/pop culture columns

  • Web and print content creation

  • Marketing plans and campaigns

  • Writing, editing and social media strategy

  • Layout/design, AP Style and photography

  • Collaboration/multi-departmental support

  • Conceptualization, development and execution of corporate communications initiatives that build brand memorability

  • Imaginative and flexible communicator compelled to write by lifelong passion for words (and unhealthy obsession with grammar!)

  • Seasoned content developer for newspapers, magazines and corporate audiences

  • Skilled editor, storyteller and social platform optimizer

  • Leadership Coweta graduate, American Red Cross board member/event planner; Relay For Life team captain; March of Dimes leader; Partners in Education steering committee associate; Georgia Magazine Advisory Board appointee; Washington Youth Tour coordinator; Georgia Marketing, Member Services and Communications Assoc. representative 








  • Modernized member engagement practices for utility company

  • Launched and monitored corporate social media channels; in 4 years, grew Facebook likes from 0 to 3,000 and Twitter followers from 0 to ~1,000; converted naysayers to ambassadors; devised editorial calendars and scheduled posts/tweets via Hootsuite to consistently cross-promote message 

  • Created monthly award-winning external newsletter for 80,000+ account holders in 8 counties; responsible for content, photography, layout, design and editing


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